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Two important issues affect our interpretation of these find
Two important issues affect our interpretation of these findings. First, many women chose institutional delivery (53% of deliveries were at hospitals in Sazawal and colleagues\' trial, and 64% in Semrau and colleagues\' trial). The latest WHO guidelines recommend application of chlorhexidine to the
br An understanding of the global health burden
An understanding of the global health burden of sex work, including sex trafficking and transactional sex, is urgently needed to direct resources to very large and vulnerable populations. Estimation of this burden will be a challenge, but similar efforts have been undertaken in other populations a
La mayor parte de las actividades del movimiento durante
La mayor parte de las actividades del movimiento durante los meses siguientes se dedicó DNA Damage DNA Repair Library la recaudación de fondos con destino a financiar las actividades de insurrección en el interior de España. En este sentido, se orientaron actividades tales como la creación de un gru
sglt inhibitors br Planteamientos Previos El presente estudi
Planteamientos Previos El presente estudio muestra la estrecha relación entre los procesos identitarios y las transformaciones de los contextos migratorios. Centrándose en el caso de los migrantes indígenas de Otavalo (Ecuador) en una de las ciudades del sur de España, la investigación parte de u
br Uganda is on the
Uganda is on the verge of eliminating the () form of human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), commonly known as sleeping sickness. This elimination would be historic. In 2015, only four cases of this neglected tropical disease were diagnosed in the entire country. A similarly low number of cases in 2
The imbalances in the current R D system were
The imbalances in the current R&D system were the subject of the 2012 report of WHO\'s Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development (CEWG). The CEWG recommended a global binding agreement that provides a needs-driven and evidence-based framework for R&D, guided by the core principle
br Introduction The early repolarization ER pattern
Introduction The early repolarization (ER) pattern has been considered a benign electrocardiographic phenomenon affecting 2–5% of the general population and is most commonly seen in healthy young men and athletes [1–3]. Recent studies have challenged the view of this electrocardiogram (ECG) varia
br Introduction Epidemiological studies have
Introduction Epidemiological studies have shown that viral infections such as hepatitis C virus (HCV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) are important factors contributing to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) development. Chronic HCV leads to cirrhosis in approximately 20% of patients over a 10–20 year per
CT analysis of tumour bearing bones showed
μCT analysis of tumour bearing bones showed significantly increased bone density in animals receiving zoledronic acid, alone or in combination with doxorubicin, compared to PBS control. Our results confirmed that a single dose of zoledronic GDC-0941 caused sustained bone effects throughout the expe
Bennet and colleagues also make an important addition to
Bennet and colleagues also make an important addition to the literature on the Affordable Medicines Facility—malaria (AMFm) intervention, since a comparison of ACT treatment coverage for countries that had the AMFm intervention is made with those for countries that did not have the AMFm intervention
The strengths of this definition are
The strengths of this definition are its simplicity and its usefulness in translating existing data into daily practice. The shortcomings of this definition include the lack of uniform criteria to suggest an impending fracture as well as the variable definitions of spinal cord order mibefradil or c
La antinomia de los signos d a y noche
La antinomia de los signos “día” y “noche”, que comienza desde las metáforas del título, sugiere una rotación que se opera en el orden cósmico. El momento diurno tiene que ceder necesariamente el paso shk la noche, en una sucesión sin la cual cada uno de los elementos tomado aisladamente perdería su
7 8-dihydroxyflavone En el encuentro con la prima Isabel los
En el encuentro con la prima, Isabel, los dos rivales conocen también 7 8-dihydroxyflavone Clemencia, cuya presencia inicia una conversación entre los dos hombres. Es una escena esencial a la hora de examinar la relación de rivalidad entre ellos dos. Primero, discuten quién va a estar con quién: Enr
Los v nculos que el ensayista conserv con los
Los vínculos que el ensayista conservó con los intelectuales mexicanos fueron profusos y perdurables, en tanto continuaron hasta sus últimos años de vida, aun durante su estadía en la Cuba revolucionaria de principios de los años sesenta. Así, en 1959 inició lo que Ángel Rama denominó el ciclo cuban
La descripci n que se hace del accidente es distintiva
La descripción que se hace del accidente es distintiva de la forma en que los personajes de Ramos entran en contacto con los objetos, incapaces de percibir –y, por tanto, de razonar y discriminar- lo que los rodea se ven obligados pde inhibitors vivir en la angustia de irlo conociendo lenta y fragme
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