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De todas maneras no escapa a la tem tica de
De todas maneras no escapa a la temática de este trabajo la intuición de un contradictorio hecho: de que en este intento de interpretación de estos dos polémicos capítulos de Paradiso, dionisíacos, lo que estamos haciendo es, una vez más, buscar la sistematización iluminista, apolínea, a la que el m
Although the study is of a high quality
Although the study is of a high quality given the constraints of the case-control design, we question whether it alone provides sufficient evidence for this policy recommendation. Observational studies of ITNs are notoriously fraught with challenges. Even in settings in which randomised trials show
This study was supported by
This study was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia (grant# 175083). Introduction In the United States, PCa was the most commonly found cancer among all males, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In Taiwan, PCa
The occurrence of RNRVAS first reported as
The occurrence of RNRVAS, first reported as an isolated case in 1985 [16], have since been confirmed in dual-chamber pacemaker recipients undergoing 24-h ambulatory electrocardiograms, who report symptoms similar to those of patients suffering from pacemaker syndrome [17,18]. Incidence of RNRVAS
As for the detection rate we should select a
As for the detection rate, we should select a different setting in patients with primary prevention and secondary prevention because ICD patients with primary prevention experience the faster lethal arrhythmia with an average rate of 200 beats per minute [27]. On the other hand, ICD recipients with
En conclusi n vivir bien buen vivir no
En conclusión, vivir bien/buen vivir no son por el momento nuevos paradigmas, pese a que, por ejemplo, los autores del Plan Nacional para el Buen Vivir de Ecuador (2009-2013) se referan a una transición del concepto de desarrollo al buen vivir en los términos de un “cambio de para-digma”. En estos t
The electrocardiogram showed narrow QRS complex regular tach
The electrocardiogram showed narrow QRS complex regular tachycardia, which was terminated by rapid injection of adenosine triphosphate. During the tachycardia, the P wave was not identifiable and was likely hidden completely in the QRS complex (Fig. 1). As the patient desired complete cure of the ta
We are aware that physician surveys have been previously use
We are aware that physician surveys have been previously used to assess; bisphosphonate use for bone pain [14], bisphosphonate use in metastatic breast cancer patients [15] and radiotherapy use for painful bone metastases [16] but are not aware of physician surveys being used to help design trials o
The appearance of J wave or
The appearance of J wave or ER is now recognized to predispose to the development of arrhythmogenesis when associated with other cardiac disorders, such as ischemia, Bindarit manufacturer failure, and hypothermia. The J wave might predict prognosis of cardiac events in various heart diseases, and t
Houve uma tentativa por aglutinar as fra es mais radicais
Houve uma tentativa por aglutinar as frações mais radicais da esquerda em torno da Alianza Revolucionaria de Izquierda (ari), tendo em vista as eleições presidenciais de 1980. No entanto, esta aliança só durou três meses e foi rompida por diferenças mesquinhas entre as dirigências políticas, o que g
Nesta perspectiva enquanto o governo
Nesta perspectiva, enquanto o governo Humalla anunciou uma lista de novos projetos mineiros de valor superior ionomycin U$ 41 bilhões, dados da Defensoría del Pueblo registraram 210 conflitos sociais em janeiro de 2015 no país, dos quais 140 de natureza socioambiental. Até meados de 2015, contabiliz
br Discussion There is an important need for
Discussion There is an important need for new treatment options for AML in elderly patients. Their frailty imposes limitations upon the aggressiveness of the treatment which can be administered [6,24]. In addition, the poor prognostic disease features often seen in this powder mean that refracto
br A hallmark of the past decade
A hallmark of the past decade has been the remarkable progress made in reducing maternal and child mortality, an achievement credited in some measure to the Millennium Development Goals. The reduction in child deaths from an estimated 12·7 million under-5 deaths in 1990 to fewer than 6 million dea
br We have concerns about both the
We have concerns about both the accuracy and underlying rationale of Eugene Richardson and colleagues\' Comment about the “Ebola suspect\'s dilemma”. The authors quote a nosocomial infection rate of “around 25%” for individuals admitted to Ebola treatment facilities without Ebola virus disease. Ho
br Introduction Magnetic resonance imaging MRI has great uti
Introduction Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has great utility in evaluating musculoskeletal tumors. However, some lesions have an appearance on MRI that make it challenging to differentiate benign from malignant lesions. Even intravenous (IV) Sorafenib sometimes does not allow differentiation
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